Urge Your Legislators to Cosponsor the Ban on Conversion Torture!

Conversion "therapy" is a legal form of child torture. Conversion therapy is the term used to describe a dangerous practice that claims to change a gay person into a straight person or to stop a person from being transgender.
The truth is that conversion therapy has no scientific basis whatsoever. Instead, it is often based on outdated and false theories such as the false notion that being gay is caused by bad parenting. Most conversion therapists falsely blame parents for their child being gay or transgender, even though there is zero evidence for such claims.
Every leading medical and mental health organization in the country and Kentucky has concluded that conversion therapy is dangerous. It doesn’t work, and it can cause life-threatening harm to minors.
42% of conversion therapy survivors attempt suicide.
Please urge your legislators to not turn a blind eye to our kids. Ask them to cosponsor and pass House Bill 19, AKA the Youth Mental Health Protection Act to protect Kentucky's youth from these dangerous practices!