A plea for a fair state budget.

In order to have "nice things" like adequate funding for our schools, funding so we can improve our infrastructure like NJ Transit, funding our obligations like worker pensions, we need sustainable tax revenue. Governor Murphy has proposed a very fair budget that will remove tax giveaways to millionaires and corporations. Without removing the tax giveaways, we cannot fund these programs for our kids and services for everyday New Jerseyans. And no, millionaires will not be hurt by this:  "According to a side-by-side analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and Gov. Murphy’s plan, the top one percent of taxpayers – those earning over $924,000 a year and with an average annual income of about $2.5 million – would still come out ahead." - New Jersey Policy Perspective

So, do corporations and millionaires even need another tax cut?  Don't we, everyday working New Jerseyans, pay enough in taxes?

Letter Campaign by
Madison, New Jersey