ACTION ALERT - HMP Whitemoor move Miran Thakrar out of segregation!

Miran Thakrar has been moved to the segregation unit of HMP Whitemoor. this was done forcibly using handcuffs to further dehumanise Miran. Seg can be more accurately described as solitary confinement. prisoners in segregation have barely one hour out of their cells for exercise, showering and making phone calls.
Miran has also been put on "basic" regime, meaning that his access to visits and prison canteen are severely restricted. he is deprived even a tv to distract him from the impacts of solitary confinement.
Officer Grace Barton, Carl Barton and Governor Jo Clarke have made false allegations against Miran, claiming he "made threats" to officers.
Body cams were "not active" at the time of the alleged incident, but the prison officers are believed over Miran.
Targeting Miran in this way is Islamophobic and ableist. the treatment he is being subject to is known to exacerbate his PTSD.
Miran Thakrar is a long term prisoner currently held captive in HMP Whitemoor.
HMP Whitemoor have repeatedly made Miran move wings, destabilising him every time and exacerbating his PTSD. Today (23rd June) Miran refused to move wing and has been given a nicking and being put on “basic” regime. This will limit his visits to one hour and access to his money to buy necessities from the canteen, likely worsening his PTSD.
HMP Whitemoor are using 'intelligence' to justify this treatment of miran but in reality they are targeting him for his resistance to the prison. Just a few months ago, the prison had his mother arrested and searched her home, under the authority of Security Governor Bea Marshall.
stand with miran and take action now