Ask Congress to study intercollegiate athletics

The Drake Group -- an organization of academics that pushes for intercollegiate athletic reform -- has spearheaded legislation in Congress to establish a Congressional Advisory Commission, which would be charged with undertaking a two-year comprehensive study and making recommendations for college athletics reform.
The bipartisan bill, H.R. 5528, formally called the “Congressional Advisory Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Act of 2019," would examine intercollegiate athletics finances, as well as numerous issues aimed at protecting the well-being of student-athletes.
For years, the Ohio Conference AAUP has turned a critical eye toward Ohio's public university athletic programs, which (except for Ohio State) spend more money on sports than they earn, with the vast majority of that spending going toward coaches' salaries and lavish athletic facilities.
We encourage our members and others to take a minute to send a message to your U.S. House Member asking them to co-sponsor the bill. The more co-sponsors the bill receives, the better chances it has to advance. This bill could be the first step toward real change for the better in intercollegiate athletics.