Tell decision makers to support the Twin Cities Boulevard for Rethinking I-94

The Minnesota Department of Transportation just released the initial project options for Rethinking I-94.
These options, called "project alternatives" are the proposed designs that will continue to be studied. Here is a recap of the MnDOT meeting where the options were unveiled. Thanks to your support, two of the options would replace the highway with a walkable boulevard and free up land for new businesses, housing and parks! MnDOT is now seeking feedback on the options and will release updated options in early 2024.
Now is a critical time to share your support for the Twin Cities Boulevard!
We are calling on MnDOT & project decision makers to support the boulevard options (listed as "at-grade A" and "at-grade B") and to include additional non-highway options to allow the community to consider all possibilities.
Project options should:
- Reconnect every neighborhood in the 7.5 mile project corridor
- Design the new boulevard to function as a walkable city street, not a surface highway. The boulevard should be safe and accessible for all users.
- Add new zero-fare rapid transit service that operates in dedicated right-of-way. A wide variety of transit options should be studied, including a new regional rail connection between the downtowns
- Repurpose highway right-of-way for affordable housing and businesses space, prioritized for existing residents and community members who have been disproportionately impacted
- Add new park space and protect existing community gardens
The Rethinking I-94 project is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to right historic wrongs. Take action by emailing key decision makers and standing up for reparative justice!
Your message will be sent to MnDOT leadership and project staff as well as the elected officials, agency heads and decision makers that make up the project’s Policy Advisory Committee.