Ask Prince George's County Council To Call For CEASEFIRE NOW!

On March 28th, 2024, dozens of former and current elected officials, alongside Christian and Muslim faith leaders in Prince George County, held a press conference to demand the introduction and passage of a county resolution calling for an end to the war on Palestine.

Prior to the press conference, these officials – consisting of state legislators, mayors, city council members, and school board members – sent a letter to the Prince George County Council & Executive, announcing their support of a permanent ceasefire in Palestine, and expressing the atrocities that have led them to do so:

“Over the last six months, we’ve seen abhorrent and tragic use of our tax dollars supporting mass displacement, bombardment, imprisonment, starvation and murder of Palestinian people. People across the country and the world are protesting this unbelieveable violence on Palestine’s two million civilians, many of whom are women and children, directly calling out the actions of the Israeli government as apartheid, occupation and genocide, and asking elected representatives - on all levels - to take a stand.”

This comes after national and international calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, as well as local and state efforts, including…

Now, as we are entering six months of mass, indiscriminate killings of Palestinian civilians, we are asking you to join us in demanding our Prince George's County Council Members introduce and support a permanent ceasefire resolution.

One of the most impactful things we can do is to make our voices heard by those in power. It’s time for action. The people of Palestine cannot wait, and neither can we.  

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