Ask Your Legislators to Support the Finish Line Grant

Use this tool to ask your State Rep and State Senator to support the Finish Line Grant! The bill numbers are H. 639 and S. 712. More information:
Over the past 15 years, state funding for public higher education fell by 31% per student. At the same time, tuition and fees went up by $4,000 per year on average at our community colleges, state universities and UMass campuses.
We need to invest in our students, faculty and campuses. That starts by helping students get to the Finish Line with a new grant program that provides One Year Free to students trying to complete their degrees.
The Finish Line Grant would provide one free year of school after a student’s first year at any community college, state university, or UMass campus. The student would need to apply, have a GPA higher than 2.0, and have a household income less than 175% of the median household income in Massachusetts (about $125,000 as of January 2017).
Ask your legislator to support the Finish Line Grant now!