Ask your legislators to support MCAS moratorium legislation

Enough is enough: NOW is the time for a moratorium on the high-stakes MCAS!
With widespread protests against racist policies and institutions, it’s time to face how MCAS worsens education inequities. MCAS has not furthered equity and racial justice in our public schools. Instead, the record shows that many students and schools have been deeply harmed by MCAS testing.
Help us end high-stakes MCAS testing in Massachusetts so we can focus on students’ real needs, including racial justice, health, well being and a whole child education! We can and must do better than a system that has done nothing to improve school quality or close gaps in opportunity after more than 20 years. On the contrary, many students and schools have been deeply harmed by the racially biased MCAS.
You can make a difference for public school students throughout the Commonwealth by asking your legislators to co-sponsor and support two bills calling for a moratorium on MCAS testing and the establishment of a commission to develop better assessment alternatives. Senator Jo Comerford’s bill calls for a four-year moratorium, while a House bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Hawkins calls for a three-year moratorium.
These policies affect all of us because we all benefit from public schools that educate the whole child. And we all benefit from schools that help every student learn what they need to succeed -- instead of schools hamstrung by assessments that claim to reveal and address inequities while actually cementing them in place!
ACT TODAY! Ask your legislators to support these bills.
#SuspendMCAS #DefundMCAS #EducateTheWholeChild
#LessTestingMoreLearning #MoreThanAScore