Ask your supervisor to stand with Dane County and fight for fairness in PFAS cleanup costs!

Government employees in hazmat suits spray PFAS containing foam into a prairie stream

Ask your supervisor if they will stand with Dane County and stop the federal government from abandoning its responsibility to pay for cleaning up the PFAS pollution that it created over decades of use of PFAS-containing firefighting foam at Truax Field.

Currently, cancer-causing PFAS chemicals are in our drinking water, our soil, our lakes, and our streams. Without the federal government, it will cost Dane County taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for soil remediation and filters for clean and safe drinking water. The federal government should pay for this; that's only fair.

Instead, the government is insisting that the joint-use agreement currently being negotiated between the federal National Guard Bureau and the Dane County Board include indemnification for the federal and state government's responsibility for cleaning up PFAS contamination at Truax Field, letting the government walk away and leave us on the hook.

And if the Dane County Board refuses, the National Guard Bureau has threatened to withdraw firefighting services from the airport before we can procure a new vendor, forcing our airport to close.

This is outrageous. We will stand together to fight for fairness in the costs of safe, healthy drinking water, and we will make damn sure the federal government pays its fair share for the damage it has caused.

The Dane County Board must postpone action on the joint-use agreement until Randy Chambers of the National Guard Bureau agrees to change the indemnification clause and/or Governor Evers, the Commander-in-Chief of the Wisconsin National Guard, declares that the National Guard will provide firefighting services under the old agreement for as long as it will take for the City of Madison to take it over. There should be no Dane County Supervisor willing to make this decision under the economic duress the government is threatening through de facto closure of the airport.

The first vote is scheduled for Monday, December 18th. Let your Dane County supervisor know that you want them to postpone the vote on the joint-use agreement until the threat of closing our airport is taken off the table.

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