Congress Must Pass a Federal COVID Relief Bill Before the End of 2020

Recently, Staten Island made national headlines as protests against COVID-19 restrictions turned violent and attracted a hate group to Staten Island. As we enter the ninth month of the COVID-19 pandemic the pleas of small business owners, laid off workers, individuals with pre-existing conditions, etc. are growing louder and more desperate. The need to protect public health is tantamount but in order to do that, we must also provide economic relief to those suffering economic hardship as a result of the pandemic. Staten Islanders are hurting and need swift support from our government during this unprecedented time.
We must take action and demand our elected officials do their jobs and pass a comprehensive relief bill NOW!
At a minimum, the relief bill must provide:
Direct relief to small business owners
Enhanced unemployment benefits
A continued eviction moratorium for renters and mortgage deferments for landlords, as well as, financial assistance for rent payments
Student loan assistance
Relief for state and local governments
We also believe that the relief bill should apply for all regardless of immigration status.
We're thrilled that the following organizations have signed on to this campaign:
Move Forward Staten Island
Staten Island Progressive Coalition
Sustainable Staten Island
New York Center for Interpersonal Development, Inc.
Pride Center of Staten Island
La Colmena
CWA Local 1102
Above Ground Railroad
CSI Chapter Executive Committee of the Professional Staff Congress
Democratic Socialists of America: Staten Island Branch
Staten Island Women Who March
Staten Island Inter-Religious Leadership
Peace Action of Staten Island
Staten Isla