NSW Government: Explain Relationship with "Locals for Metro Southwest"

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Operation Keppel has raised serious questions about property developers appearing to have access to the Premier. A recent Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA) request has revealed that a group known as "Locals for Metro Southwest" was hosted by the Premier's Office for a meeting in the Premier's boardroom on 28 June 2019.
The "Locals for Metro Southwest" appears to be comprised of property developers and a registered lobbyist, yet there is no disclosure on the Premier's Ministerial Disclosure Log. The Premier's Office has refused to release the names of the advisors involved and has not released any minutes or further information about the meeting.
During the 2019 NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into the Sydenham-Bankstown line conversion, a number of witnesses raised concerns regarding the appearance of the "Locals for Metro Southwest". The group secured an exclusive video from the Transport Minister for its launch event in June 2018.
In November 2019, a member of the NSW Government issued a denial on behalf of the Transport Minister. But during NSW Budget Estimates in March 2020, the Transport Minister admitted to having created a video for the "Locals for Metro Southwest".
Information released by Office of Premier on 14 August 2020 (2 days prior to the Premier's secret ICAC hearing for Operation Keppel)
More information about the "Locals for Metro Southwest" and representatives can be viewed below:
Grassroots volunteer group Locals for Metro South-West financially backed by Sydney developer
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-13/volunteer-group-lms-has-financial-backing-of-developer/12421120
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9iky8oY4RI
Harry Hughes - Axis Strategic Advisory [Registered Lobbyist]
- https://abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/67709809250
- https://lobbyists.elections.nsw.gov.au/whoisontheregister ["Locals for Metro Southwest" and CRK Properties are clients of Axis Strategic Advisory]
- https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/chinese-property-developers-turn-to-liberal-lobbyists-amid-icac-storm-20180802-p4zv7l.html
Chris Tsioulos - CMT Architects (Based in Kingsgrove) and Canterbury-Belmore Town Centre Alliance (TCA)
- https://www.architects.nsw.gov.au/architects-register/5147?view=architect
- https://s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/dpe-files-production/s3fs-public/dpp/280201/20180116_C%20Tsioulos_Petition_Redacted.pdf
Chris Evans (from Blacktown)
- Associated with Metro Storage, Canterbury - a site appearing to have been earmarked for development by Toplace (Jean Nassif)
Michael Katz and Eran Rimmer - CRK Properties (Based in Double Bay)
- http://planspolicies.planning.nsw.gov.au/?action=view_submission&job_id=8563&submission_id=223081
- https://majorprojects.accelo.com/public/d786bd3a11729845daa5f597d79aa831/223081_65-71%20Jeffrey%20Street_Canterbury_CRK%20Properties%20Submission.pdf
- https://gsc-public-1.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/submissions-live/31244_0_0.pdf?zQuDPDr2Zu1V2vLrL3VYFXZG9Za9_OE0
Aris Dimos - Omada Property Group (Based in Cremorne)