Bring Community Schools to Long Beach
Community Schools are an investment in our children’s future and the future of our City and Country. They are defined in California State statute as public schools with strong and intentional community partnerships ensuring pupil learning and whole child and family development. Community Schools are viewed as equity driven. They transform our schools by making stakeholders, such as yourself, active participants and decision makers on how the school is run.
Community Schools are also committed to assets-driven and strength-based practice, racially just and restorative school climates, and culturally proficient and relevant instruction.
The Teachers Association of Long Beach (TALB) requests your assistance to help transform our higher need schools into Community Schools. It appears our efforts in working with the District to apply for a California State Community Schools Implementation Grant have stalled due to District delays. The grant is due on March 17, 2024, and with the Holidays, we need to start work sooner than later. Please click to send your letter to the elected LBUSD Board of Education members.