Care for Crash Survivors

Thousands of critically injured persons lost necessary care due to No-Fault Auto Reform
Michigan Auto No-Fault Reform laws passed in 2019 and fully implemented in July 2021 have cut benefits for all injured drivers who need to claim on the auto insurance personal injury protection clause of their policy. While these cuts will impact any claim from July forward, they have had especially devastating consequences for those who are catastrophically injured and who rely on specialized care both in-home and in residential facilities as well as for outpatient rehabilitation programs.
Insurance companies cover PIP costs to a limit, previously $580,000 under no fault lifetime unlimited PIP insurance. Any costs above that were passed to a reinsurance fund (the MCCA) that every insurance-carrying Michigan driver contributed a small amount into. This paid out for life, for reasonable costs, to keep survivors living their best lives possible. This was a contract that survivors had with their insurance companies.
In July 2021, benefits under PIP insurance were cut by 45% and hours that family members could care for their loved one was limited to 56 per week forcing them to try and find professional assistance at the massively reduced rates and this program was applied retroactively to survivors already claiming on the MCCA fund. Agencies and facilities that we all may need should the worst happen are closing and stopping care because it is impossible to pay staff or provide services at a 45% reduced rate. These facilities don’t only service auto crash survivors; their resources are available to all Michiganders who may suffer a traumatic or acquired brain injury (from a stroke for instance) or a spinal cord injury, so this affects all of us.
On the back of these cuts to benefits, the Governor has arranged for a $400 per driver check to be sent out. Additionally, the Republican led State legislature is refusing to sponsor and adopt bills that would end the crises thousands are facing in Michigan today.
Join MiCHIGAN POOR PEOPLE's CAMPAIGN, Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault(CPAN), MiCHIGAN INTERFAITH COALITION, BrAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN and MANY OTHERS in demanding that our Legislators fulfill their moral responsibility in respecting the dignity of catastrophically injured survivorS.
Write a Letter Today!
For more information on the people affected by this crisis and the organizations working to change the law, follow these link: