Chicago City Council: End Unfair Deactivation for App Workers

In August 2022, over 20,000 rideshare and delivery workers came together to form the coalition Justice for App Workers Midwest to address the pressing demands of Chicago app-based workers.
Together, we are taking on the multi-billion dollar app industry to win dignity at work. This means living wages, a safe working environment, an end to unfair deactivation, quality healthcare benefits, reliable bathroom access, and the right to form a union.
To end unfair deactivation, where app workers are kicked off of platforms like Uber and Lyft without due process, losing their income overnight, we plan to introduce an ordinance in January 2023 that we hope the Chicago City Council will support. Together, we can end this unfair situation and ensure there is a clear process to get good drivers back on the road and back to earning money for our families.
Please support the thousands of app drivers in the greater Chicago area and support our ordinance in 2023. Thank you.