City Council: We Need Paid Sick Leave NOW!
On May 1st, Councilmember Brooks, along with Councilmembers Gym and Henon, introduced Paid Sick Leave’ legislation Bill No. 200303 that will ensure that every Philadelphia worker has access to this essential protection.
This legislation would:
Cover all workers in Philadelphia during a declared public health emergency who continue to physically report to work, including gig economy workers and undocumented workers.
Provide 14 days of paid sick time
Provide full pay for workers who need to stay home to care for a sick loved one.
It has been a whole month since this vital legislation was introduced and still City Council has failed to schedule a hearing on the bill.
It’s time to let your City Councilmembers know that enough is enough, we can’t wait any longer. We need Paid Sick Leave in Philadelphia - NOW!