Collective Bargaining Resolution and Worksite Access

School Board Members,

I am writing to you as an employee, constituent, and community member. Thank you for your commitment to creating the joint committee that will create the collective bargaining resolution.
I am incredibly disappointed that Dr. Spence used an anti-worker law firm to draft the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would allow LEA building access. When Dr. Spence came to our LEA meeting in October, he stated that HE would work WITH LEA to draft language to allow LEA in buildings. Instead, he paid an outside lawyer and presented us with MOU language that had ZERO collaboration. This action from a new superintendent, who was hired to heal LCPS and bring unity, is unacceptable.  

LEA had building access for over 50 years and we have been waiting on resolution language since verifying cards on February 28th, 2023. My ask is that as a board, you task the newly formed committee to include LEA building access in a collective bargaining resolution and to continue having conversations with Dr. Spence and LCPS administration about the importance of employees having access to their union.  

I look forward to all of us working together in the spirit of collaboration and transparency to benefit all LCPS students and stakeholders.