Colorado: Protect families--not profits!

Colorado became the first state in the country to hold the multi-billion dollar anonymous sperm and egg bank industry accountable. Now the industry is fighting back.
Tell your legislator to vote NO.
HB1259 purports to be about protecting access to IVF in Colorado, but is actually a cynical trojan horse to roll back accountability for the sperm/egg bank industry. Every one of the bill’s IVF protections are already current law in Colorado. Further, less than 10% of IVF procedures use donated sperm/eggs. And most donor conceived people are not born with the help of IVF.
Puts health at risk.
HB1259 repeals the requirement that banks “make a good faith effort” to collect current medical history of donors and no longer requires them to keep records permanently, meaning donor-conceived people won’t have access to life-saving information about their genetic background. Records won’t be required to be retained after a bank is purchased or goes bankrupt.
Protects profits.
HB1259 removes the ability for regulators to investigate complaints, allows banks to use NDAs to cover up their potential lies and fraud, and removes the requirement to use third-party education materials to ensure donors and families know the risks and benefits before giving away their genetic reproductive tissue or conceiving a child with donated sperm/eggs.