Cook County: Protect Our Community from COVID-19

One of every six COVID-19 cases in Illinois can be traced back to the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC), where correctional officers are still unable to properly socially distance and are at high risk of contracting the virus. As a result, the spread of COVID-19 continues to threaten the lives of workers, their families and every resident in the Chicagoland area, especially in Cook County.

It is time for the people in charge to take action and stop undermining the safety and health of correctional officers. These essential workers put themselves at risk every day to protect Chicagoans. They are on the front lines, and they deserve protection.

Send a letter to Cook County officials to demand they protect and respect correctional officers by providing hazard pay and fair working conditions that allow them to do their job with safety and dignity. This isn't just a workers' rights issue, this is a human rights issue. When correctional officers are at risk of COVID-19, the entire community is at risk of COVID-19!

Image of Cook County jail

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