DEC/PSC Double Comment: Renewables Not Pipelines

The Williams NESE fracked gas pipeline would endanger local communities and the environment, while further locking our state into dependence on fossil fuels at a time when we must be shifting as quickly as possible to 100 percent renewable energy.

You helped build a strong movement based on science and facts against the Williams Pipeline, so let’s use this people power to make sure the renewable solutions have our strong support too!

The DEC made a strong statement during the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) period asking the federal agency (FERC) why renewables were not considered in lieu of the Williams pipeline in order to comply with our state's renewable energy goals. FERC responded that Williams applied for a gas pipeline permit, so they are not obligated to look at alternatives.

But we can give the people-powered support our state agencies need to make renewables flourish. Right now, another New York State agency, the Public Service Commission (PSC), is taking comments to decide if New York gas and oil customers can convert to renewable heating options!

Your comment today serves as a double-comment going to both state agencies in support of the renewable world we know is possible.