Defend the Sydney Park 'Superblock'
Property developers want to build 390 apartments within the Sydney Park 'superblock'.
In 2017, the plan was rubber stamped by the NSW government controlled Central Sydney Planning Committee despite City of Sydney council opposition.
Now the developer, Maxida International, wants to increase the building heights by up to 47% and is taking the City of Sydney to the Land and Environment court to push their over-scaled plans through.
The community has already lost 1.4 hectares of the park to WestConnex and the 'green space' being provided at the St Peters Interchange is contaminated and will suffer dangerous exhaust pollution.
In 1982, the Sydney Park Plan of Management commissioned by the NSW government recommended the purchase of all land within the 'superblock' so as to incorporate it into the park. Either that, or a land swap should be investigated, as recommended by the council's expert Design Advisory Panel.
We call on Anthony Roberts, the Planning Minister, to intervene and cancel this unwanted and inappropriate development.