Demand Greater Chaco Landscape Protections

In solidarity with the Greater Chaco Coalition, send a comment on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed withdrawal of 351,479.97 acres of public land from mining and fracking near the Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
We all support protecting cultural resources and public health across the Greater Chaco Landscape, but more oil and gas drilling continues to be approved. More than 91% of available public lands in the Greater Chaco region are already leased for oil and gas extraction. We're demanding the Biden Administration honor its promises and recenter land management on the needs of impacted communities and Tribal Nations to whom this region is sacred.
As New Mexico families struggle to stay healthy, the Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations have allowed more fracking, mining and extraction in the Greater Chaco region.
We stand with the Greater Chaco Coalition protecting lands within 10 miles of Chaco Culture National Historical Park from future oil and gas extraction. But much more must be done to assure protection of the Greater Chaco Landscape and the meaningful involvement of impacted communities and Tribal Nations in this process.
Tell the Bureau of Land Management we need to protect and restore the cultural integrity of all Greater Chaco and its communities