Drawing Democracy Response to Congressional Maps

The Drawing Democracy Coalition strives to achieve fair districts that equitably represent communities of color, low-income people, and immigrants through a transparent process and maximum community engagement. We reviewed the Congressional District maps proposed by the Joint Committee on Redistricting on November.

  • The Drawing Democracy Coalition supports strengthening the Seventh District as a majority BIPOC district. The district will likely continue to foster representation of BIPOC communities in Greater Boston.
  • While the Congressional map adopted our proposal to make Fall River whole, it failed to unite it with the immigrant communities of New Bedford in the Ninth District. Instead, Fall River is now entirely in the Fourth District, which means Fall River voters are at risk of having their voting power diluted by the wealthier suburbs of Boston, like Brookline and Newton. The Drawing Democracy Coalition urges the Joint Committee on Redistricting to unit Fall River with New Bedford in CD-9.