Drop the Charges Against the UConn 26!

Send a virtual letter telling the UConn administration to support dropping all charges against peaceful protestors!

For 5 days, students held a peaceful protest at UConn-Storrs in opposition to the University's ties to the genocide in Gaza. On April 25th, UConn campus police arrested one student, and five days later the University called the police again, arresting 25 more protestors.

We need your voices to urge the University administration - Radenka Maric, Anne D'Alleva, and Nathan Fuerst - to call on the State's Attorney to drop their charges!

CT State Senator Saud Anwar has come out in support of our cause, saying: “The charges against non-violent student protesters should be dropped and I hope UConn’s President Maric will protect her students’ right to peacefully protest." And on May 20th, UConn's University Senate passed a resolution calling on the administration to urge the State's Attorney to drop the charges. The administration has refused to respond.

Now is the time to make our voices heard! We say no to the repression of this peaceful, multi-faith protest against genocide! We say no to the silencing of dissent at our state's flagship university! We say: Drop the Charges!

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Storrs, CT