Email Campaign: Support Dean Road Townhomes and Middle Missing Housing
On September 24, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners will be considering a proposal to build 76 townhomes on North Dean Road in east Orange County.
In pursuing our mission for housing abundance in Central Florida, Orlando YIMBY recognizes the need to build more so-called "missing middle housing" - the housing types in between detached single family homes and large multifamily buildings.
Townhomes are classic missing middle housing and are more affordable than detached single family homes, providing home ownership opportunities at a lower price point.
In addition, because North Dean Road has already been developed around this property, this is a great "infill" project: building where we already are instead of continuing to develop on vast open green space.
Orlando YIMBY needs help from advocates like you willing to speak up to say yes to more housing. Will you take a few seconds to send a letter to the County Commission expressing support for missing middle, infill housing such as the North Dean townhomes?
For more information on the project, you can view the public hearing materials here.