Email Your State Senator to Support Skip the Stuff and Packaging Reduction in NJ!

The Senate Environment and Energy Committee is holding a hearing on October 10, 2024 on important bills from committee Chair Senator Bob Smith on Packaging Reduction and Skip the Stuff.

  • Packaging Reduction — Also known as EPR for packaging. A good EPR bill will reduce plastic packaging by 50% and eliminate toxics in packaging.
  • Skip the Stuff, S3195 — makes all single-use utensils and condiments, in food take-out orders, available upon customer request only and not automatically provided to consumers. This saves restaurants money.

We need these bills to pass out of committee. Take action now by emailing your own state senator and letting them know you support these bills.

We also want to urge legislators to support Sen. Mukherji's Beverage "Beverage Container Deposit Act", S3147. This bill establishes a deposit and refund system to facilitate return of beverage containers to manufacturers for reuse or recycling.

There will be more actions to take but this is an important time to get these bills on the radar of your electeds!

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