End Sanctions on Syria! Oppose H.R. 3202!

The United States House of Representatives has introduced H.R. 3202, the Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023. H.R. 3202 makes Caesar Act sanctions on Syria more punitive and threatens the welfare of Syrian civilians who are already struggling with daily survival. Please take a moment to send a letter to your Representatives, demanding that they oppose this harmful bill!

H.R. 3202 expands Trump-era sanctions which are illegal under international law, ineffective in weakening the Syrian government and have deeply exacerbated the suffering and death of the most vulnerable Syrians including women, children and the chronically ill and disabled. Devastated by a decade of war and the February 2023 earthquake, the sanctions regime imposed by the U.S. has resulted in energy poverty, food insecurity and the collapse of public infrastructure including schools, water treatment facilities and medical care.  

When 90% of Syrians are living in poverty, 24% are disabled and 14.9% suffer from rare and chronic illness and more than 22% of children are unable to attend school, it is imperative that Congress consider the harm being done to innocent, vulnerable civilians and refrain from adopting legislation that will compound their misery. H.R. 3202 is opposed by Syrian diaspora groups in the U.S. as well as progressive and anti-war civil society groups.

We urge you to send a letter opposing this bill to your Representatives. It takes only two minutes using this form!