Endorse the Nashville People's Budget and Defund Cops and Cages!

Nearly 3000 Nashville residents from every zip code and city council district participated in the People's Budget Survey to name exactly where the Operating Budget funds should be distributed. The people are telling us directly what they want. Sign here to endorse the People's Budget and demand that Metro Council divest from cops and cages and re-invest public money into community needs!


Metro Nashville Police Department | Reduce MNPD's budget by $108-150 million, reducing MNPD’s share of the General Fund from the current 20% to between 6-10%

School Resource Officers | Cut the $6.8 million MNPD spends on school resource officers and use it to directly support students instead.

Davidson County Sheriff’s Office | Reduce DCSO’s share of the General Fund by $38-59 million, reducing DCSO's current 7.5% of the operating budget to between 2-4%

District Attorney |  Reduce the DA’s share of the General Fund by $5 million, from the current 0.7% to  0.3%.


Affordable Housing | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to affordable housing from the current 0.9% of the budget to between 11- 15%, for an investment of between $106-148 million.

Infrastructure & Transportation | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to Infrastructure & Transportation from the current 5.9% to between 11-15%, for an investment of between $53-95 million.

Non-Police Violence Prevention & Interruption | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to non-police violence prevention and interruption from the current 0% to between 6-10%, for an investment of between $63-105 million.

Non-Police First Responders | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to FIRE, EMS, and additional non-police first responders from the current 5% to between 6-10%, for an investment of between $11-53 million.

Property Tax Relief | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to property tax relief from the current 0.4% to between 1-5%, for an investment of between $6-48 million.

Social Services | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to social services from the current 0.7% to between 6-10%, for an investment of between $56-98 million.

Health & Hospitals | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to public health and hospitals from the current 9.3% to between 11- 15%, for an investment of between $18-60 million.

Parks, Recreation, & Libraries | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to parks, recreation, and libraries from the current 7.1% to between 8-10%, for an investment of between $10-31 million.

Metro Arts Commission | Increase the share of the General Fund devoted to the Metro Arts Commission from the current 0.3% to between 1-5%, for an investment of between $7-49 million.

Education | Increase the share of the total operating budget devoted to education from the current 37% to between 41-45%, for an investment of between $80-180 million.

Read the full budget demands here: bit.ly/peoplesbudget21

Read the full budget report and analysis here: http://bit.ly/npbcreport21

Letter Campaign by
Andrew Krinks
Nashville, Tennessee