Equity and fairness for Forest/Wildland firefighters

Forest, or Wildland, firefighters keep us, our communities, infrastructure, and environment
safe. 2023 was one of the worst years for fires across the country, and this
year is set to be as severe.
As these workers risk their lives fighting longer, more intense, and more dangerous conditions to protect us, we need to do our part to make sure they have protection, too.
The stress and hazards of this occupation have all too often meant that these workers do not have the protections they need on the job and are unable to enjoy a full and long retirement. Right now, Forest/Wildland firefighters are excluded from receiving the same recognition, protections and retirement benefits that urban/structural firefighters do.
The current unequal treatment of forest firefighters is rooted in their exclusion under the Public Safety Occupation provisions of the federal Income Tax Act. The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has been campaigning to help ensure Forest/Wildland, firefighters have the same recognition and are treated as equal to other firefighters regarding their pensionable earnings and pension accrual.
We are asking the federal government to correct this exclusion by fixing the definition of firefighter in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) to include Forest/Wildland firefighters. Because this problem falls under the constitutional authority of the Parliament of Canada, it is one the federal government can solve, and without legislation.
Will you help us build support for equity and fairness for Forest/Wildland firefighters by sending this letter to your MP? (Just click the Start Writing button and your letter will appear!)