Expand Our Supertram!

Our Supertram has only been extended once since 1995, adding two stops in Rotherham. While a lucky few get to use the tram regularly, the entirety of South Yorkshire pays for its upkeep, and its about time we benefitted from it too.

We are calling on Sheffield City Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, North East Derbyshire District Council and Chesterfield District Council, alongside MP's from across South Yorkshire and N.E Derbyshire and the Mayor of South Yorkshire to commit and act on a plan to expand our Supertram throughout South Yorkshire.This is what we could have, this is what we need, this is what we deserve. Public transport in our county is shoddy, its about time we stand up to all levels of government and demand what we are due, a modern, clean, reliable transport network.

Letter Campaign by
Thomas Atkin
Sheffield, United Kingdom