Tell SJ City Council to Support a Fair Electoral Map; don't suppress votes

Tell San José Lawmakers: we need a fair electoral map so all of our voices can be heard.

Our democracy works best when it reflects all our voices, no matter who we are, what we look like, or what’s in our wallets.

Yet, across the country we continue to see efforts by special interest groups and conservative forces to disenfranchise Black and Brown voters and weaken the political voice of working people and tenants. San José is no exception.

Right now, the San José City Council is considering changes to our electoral district boundaries that would not only maintain current voter suppression, but expand it to other districts.

One change under consideration would cut out areas of Canoas Gardens from District 6 — as a result reducing the share of Latinos by 6.5%, African and African ancestry community by 10%, and renters by 14%!

At a time in which communities of color, renters, and working people continue to be pushed out of San José, we cannot move backwards on racial and economic justice. We must disrupt the status quo and push for a future in which every San Josean’s voice is equally heard.

Join us in ensuring the San José City Council supports a fair electoral map!
Letter Campaign by
Neil Park-McClintick
San Jose, California