Let’s finish the job on a faster, safer Geary.

The Geary Boulevard Improvement Project is being voted on by the SFMTA board in a special meeting TODAY, August 15, 1pm at City Hall.
Please join us to give public comment in support of transit lanes and pedestrian safety improvements on Geary Boulevard. Talking points and details at: bit.ly/GearyTalkingPoints
And to sign up for updates during today's meeting: bit.ly/gearyhearing
About Faster Safer Geary's letter campaign:
Improvements east of Stanyan gave us a Geary that is faster, with 18% faster travel for the 38/38R, and safer, with an 81% drop in excessive speeding. The city has a plan to bring these benefits to the next stretch of Geary, from Stanyan to 34th ave, and we support this!
The San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency (SFMTA) Geary Boulevard Improvement Plan includes transit lanes and pedestrian safety improvements. We ask that the SFMTA Board approve the full and timely completion of the project as recommended by SFMTA staff, including the completion of transit lanes in 2023.
To learn more, visit www.fastersafergeary.org.
Organizations in support of the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project include: San Francisco Transit Riders, Walk San Francisco, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Richmond Family SF, Grow the Richmond, Kid Safe SF, Livable City, Seamless Bay Area, Sierra Club San Francisco Bay, Streets for People, and the Transbay Coalition.