Florida Senators - Save Rooftop Solar! Vote NO on HB 741!
Florida is the Sunshine State - We should be encouraging rooftop solar and promoting Energy Freedom! To promote good green jobs and a just transition to clean energy, ReThink Energy Florida is working to persuade the Florida legislature to keep the current, popular Rooftop Solar policy in place against an attack by monopoly utilities.
But the Florida Legislature is trying to kill jobs and hurt small businesses by ending rooftop solar!
The House bill HB 741 has already passed a full vote, and the Senate will be voting on it very soon! So we need to do all we can to save rooftop solar in the Sunshine State.
Can you take 1 min to send a message to your Senator?
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Use this form to write your Senators and let them know they should Oppose SB 1024. If you can, please modify the language slightly - it will be more likely to stand out
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