Grand Rapids residents to our federal legislators: End US aid to Israel! Ceasefire Now!

A photo of a march for Palestine Solidarity in Grand Rapids Michigan

Write now to Representative Hillary Scholten, Senator Gary Peters, and Senator Debbie Stabenow. They must do the following:

  • Call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
  • End all US military aid to Israel
  • Vote no on the proposed additional $14.3 Billion in US military aid to Israel

The latest reports are that at least 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombing of targets such as schools and hospitals. At least 4,000 of those killed are children - many of them infants. There are several thousands more who are displaced, missing, or in imminent danger of starvation, dying of dehydration, or being cut off from lifesaving medical care. Human rights organizations across the globe are decrying Israel's attacks as genocidal war crimes, involving dozens of human rights violations.

At the heart of the Israeli-perpetuated genocide is the United States funding and support. The United States, with its own history of settler colonialism and genocidal practices against the many Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, has funded the military of Israel from the beginning. We demand that our representatives end the genocide now.

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