Free Tia 2020

During the March for Equality human and civil rights march, Tia (Tatiana Turner), was surrounded by a massive crowd of white supremacists who actively threatened her life and attacked her automobile while she escaped to its interior. In an attempt to flee she unintentionally injured two of the attackers among this group. This accident resulted in extreme and unwarranted charges plus a bail of 1 million dollars issued by The Orange County District Attorney, Todd Spitzer. Following the absurd charges, Spitzer issued a statement attempting to intimidate anyone attempting to end racism and bring equality, equity and justice to this county and country.

Tia’s case is emblematic of systematic oppression and she is a “poster-child” for the systemic racism inherent in today’s justice system. This disparity and two separate systems of justice is illustrated by the actions of elected officials not charging white extremist groups or white supremacists who intentionally (not to escape danger) drove into crowds of activists with no consequence.

Imagine be in the middle of a angry mob, and you pleaded for your safety. Imagine seeing the people who are sworn in to protect you, leave you to defend yourself. This is what happen in Yorba Linda. This is what happen that day in Orange County, CA.

If you think the action of insurrectionists at the Capitol terrified you, imagine what Tia went through as she was surrounded by the very same.

Protestors being hit by cars in LA:

Letter Campaign by