Fund Worker Protection in St. Paul! Invierte en los Derechos Laborales en San Pablo!
During a pandemic, workplace rights and healthy communities are inherently connected. Yet, all too often retail workers, janitors, construction workers, restaurant workers and other essential workers face basic violations of their workplace rights, including wage theft and lack of access to Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST). Too many workers struggle day to day just to survive on poverty wages, while we have seen the 0.1% raking in more wealth than ever and a police force that criminalizes poverty and people of color.
The City of Saint Paul needs to fund initiatives that address the root causes of poverty and violence, while guiding us through the pandemic ensuring no one’s health is an afterthought. Now more than ever we must fully fund worker protections to ensure that workers are working in safe, stable, and healthy environments, and can defend their basic rights without fear of retaliation.
La ciudad de San Pablo necesita financiar iniciativas que aborden las causas fundamentales de la pobreza y la violencia, al tiempo que nos guían a través de la pandemia para garantizar que la salud de nadie sea una ocurrencia tardía. Ahora más que nunca debemos financiar por completo las protecciones de los trabajadores para garantizar que los trabajadores trabajen en entornos seguros, estables y saludables, y que puedan defender sus derechos básicos sin temor a represalias.