Give AFFH a chance to expand opportunities for millions of families across the nation

Congressional conservatives are determined to stop the newly released Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule before it has a chance to expand opportunities for millions of families across the nation.

Your voice is needed to help ensure this Rule moves forward. Urge your representatives in Congress to protect the AFFH rule from these legislative attacks. Read more about the attributes of the AFFH.

We are particularly concerned about proposals to block any funds from being used to carry out the AFFH Rule. In a letter sent by Rep. Paul Gosar and 15 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives, the Congressman calls for adopting the “Gosar Amendment” to restrict any funding that would go towards implementing the Rule.

The AFFH Rule must be protected during its initial roll out! Millions of families across the nation will have access to expanded opportunities when the Rule is successfully implemented.

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