Grand Rapids Says Fund Our Community, Not the Israel Military

#Ceasefire Now! Fund Our Community, Not the Israel Military

Over $2.8 million dollars* will leave the Grand Rapids community to go fund the Israel military as they continue the genocide and bombing again Palestinians living in the occupied territories of Gaza Strip and the West Bank. We in Grand Rapids say absolutely not! We call for a #CeasefireNow and #PalestineSolidarity. Send your email now.

* Paid out of federal tax dollars paid by Grand Rapids residents. According to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, that $2.8 million could fund a variety of urgent community needs here in our local community instead:

  • 334 households with public housing for a year
  • 979 children receiving free or low-cost healthcare
  • 30 elementary school teachers
  • 8016 households with solar electricity produced for a year
  • 74 students with their loan debt cancelled
  • 2,448,452 N95 respirator masks to prevent the spread of COVID and flu

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