Help Win Free College in MA!
Massachusetts has the 10th highest student debt average in the whole country! And in our Commonwealth, student debt disproportionately impacts public college students. Nearly 3 out of every 4 graduates from a Massachusetts public college has student debt– this means more public college graduates have debt in Massachusetts than private college graduates. This is morally and economically wrong. But we have a chance to fix that and make Massachusetts a leader in the country by guaranteeing every resident's right to a public education.
The Debt Free Future Act (H.1473 / S.300) will make all 29 public colleges in Massachusetts tuition free! The bill will also provide additional grant money to low-income students to provide for the cost of housing, transportation, food and textbooks, childcare, etc. A 2.5% tax on private college endowments over $1 billion (HD.1474/SD.948) could fund this ambitious project. When Massachusetts makes the Debt Free Future Act law, we will emerge as the leader in the country on public higher education. Student debt can be a thing of the past– and we need your help. Send a letter today!