Help Save Affordable Housing Funds in Florida

The Florida Legislature is proposing permanent cuts to the affordable housing dollars in our state. Their newest proposal would permanently reduce dollars for affordable housing by redirecting the Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund to other infrastructure projects.  

Since 2008, the Florida Legislature has swept $2.01 billion of affordable housing dollars - more than a third of its total revenue - for other projects or programs. That means that as of 2019, Florida has lost out on the development of 167,000 affordable housing units.

This time, Florida has no excuse. The state is receiving billions of dollars from the federal government, and tens of thousands have faced eviction in this state as a result of the pandemic. The legislature is also considering a bill to collect online sales tax, which they want to use for a multi-million dollar corporate tax break. Stealing money from HOUSING is the LAST thing the state should be considering.

Act now! Click "start writing" to email the entire Florida Legislature (note the list will be long on the other page - keep scrolling down there are 160 legislators total) and urge them to protect every single penny of affordable housing dollars. There is not a shortage of financial resources in this state, yet we are in dire need of more affordable housing. We must stop this indefensible proposal.