Help us push for $300 million for undocumented workers!
We are excited to share a huge win: the recent Senate and House budget both included $300 million to go towards undocumented workers for the next two years! While the budget still needs to pass and be signed by Gov. Inslee before May, this win is a big milestone in this fight. This was only possible because of your advocacy and the powerful stories and actions taken by our community.
Our legislative champions Sen. Saldana and Rep. Harris-Talley along with leaders in both budget communities helped make sure this was in the final budget.
We want to make sure it is not cut from the budget or reduced and we are so close to getting this over the finish line.
Will you help us share why this is so important and send a thank you?
Nos emociona compartir este gran éxito: los presupuestos del senado y la cámara de representantes han incluido $300 millones para trabajadores indocumentados para los próximos 2 años! Aunque todavía falta por aprobar el presupuesto y que sea firmado por el gobernador Inslee, este éxito es un gran logro para nuestra lucha. Esto solo fue posible con su apoyo e historias poderosas.