Housing is a Human Need: Why Take It Away?

Our justice system should keep communities safe, hold people accountable for harm, and then let people rebuild their lives and support their families. The problem is that Illinois residency restrictions:
• force 100s of people with past convictions into homelessness, very disproportionately Black men
• force 1,200 people to remain in prison due to lack of housing
• push people out of safe and stable housing when the residency zones change;
• and therefore decrease community safety.
HB3913 was written in partnership with victim and housing advocates to address this acute housing crisis. Please take 30 seconds to email your legislators using this form.
The Chicago 400 have been standing up for themselves and we should support them! For more information on Chicago 400 and the importance of HB 3913, watch: Indivisible Illinois Social Justice Alliance and Chicago 400 - HB3913.