Advocacy Alert: Urge Your Senators to Sign-on in Support of Historic Preservation Funding!
Urge Your Senators to Sign-on to the Bipartisan FY25 Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter Today!
Congress is kicking off the appropriations process which will determine Fiscal Year 2025 funding levels for historic preservation. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) are leading the FY25 Senate Historic Preservation Fund Dear Colleague Letter. This letter request $225 million in funding for the HPF, the same level Preservation Action advocated for during Advocacy Week. The requests include much-needed increases for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, and increases to critically important competitive grant programs. The letters request:
- $70 million for State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs)
- $34 million for Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs)
- $40 million for the Save America’s Treasures Grant Program
- $28 million for African American Civil Rights Initiative Competitive Grants
- $13 million for competitive grants for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- $17 million for the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants
- $11 million for the Semiquincentennial Grant Program
- $7 million for the History of Equal Rights Competitive Grant Program
- $5 million for Underrepresented Communities Grants
The letter will be submitted to the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and marks a strong commitment to protecting our historic resources for future generations.