Invite your Legislator to the Environmental Justice Legislator Briefing

The MA Environmental Justice Legislative Table, with our priority bill sponsors, invite legislators to learn more about the EJ Table's legislative priorities!
Environmental Justice (EJ) populations — people of color, Indigenous people, low-income people, and limited English proficient speakers — are especially affected by pollution and climate change. All residents of Massachusetts have a right to a clean and healthy environment.
S.1382 / H.2131 Act to improve outdoor and indoor air quality for communities burdened by pollution (Jehlen/Barber, Connolly)
S.2113 / H.3187 An Act Relative to Energy Facilities Siting Reform to Address Environmental Justice, Climate, and Public Health (DiDomenico/ Madaro)
S.953 / H.1611 An Act to create access to justice (DiDomenico, Miranda/ Meschino)