It's time to reveal dark money in Virginia elections. Raise your voice!
URGENT: Now is the time to tell legislators to force sponsors of dark money political ads to reveal their donors.
WHY? 88 percent of Virginians want full disclosure of election ads and we are sick of advertisements trying to influence our elections which don't list the actual donors.
Can we do this? YES! We need to get Senator Favola's "Sunshine Bill" which forces disclosure on political ads funded by unknown sponsors out of committee. Send a message to legislators on the Senate P&E committee, asking them to "VOTE YES" on SB 78. Read more about the bill here.
Why is this letter-writing platform important? Your elected officials might not listen to just one or two of us alone, but together we are stronger. We need your voices!!
Fill in your information on the right side of the screen, a sample letter will be provided. The targeted legislators will be listed.