Keep Adriana and Alberto Home

Protest outside Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary. Signs say "Education not deportation", "schools not jails" and "CBSA ruins Christmas"

UPDATE Less than two weeks before their scheduled removal date, Alberto and Adriana received confirmation from CBSA that they will not be removed until there is a decision on their applications for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Thank you to everybody who attended a rally, sent a letter to the Ministers and made a phone call to their MP; we are positive that this decision was due to your hard work as a community. We are now focused on writing to Minister Fraser and asking him to grant the family's applications for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

About Sofia

Sofia is a cheerful six-year old Canadian girl who has lived in British Columbia for her whole life. Her favourite things are to draw, play and sing, and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Friends and family have shared how Sofia has become a part of their families, playing with their children and developing close relationships. Sofia has thrived in the stable loving environment provided by Adriana, Alberto and our community. On November 30, this stability was shattered when the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) stalked and handcuffed her mother after she dropped off Sofia at kindergarten at Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School in New Westminster. Sofia is seeing a child therapist to help her process the difficult emotions created by these shocking events and the stress of her family’s upcoming removal date.

About Adriana and Alberto

More than a decade ago, Adriana and Alberto made Canada their home - since then they had a daughter here, built a life, and have become cherished members of our community. They are prolific volunteers, putting together food hampers for families in need, supporting COVID-19 vaccination clinics and participating in response efforts to the heat dome and flooding that hit the Lower Mainland. Adriana and Alberto fled Mexico fleeing death threats, assaults and involuntary recruitment into criminal operations. The former CBSA officer who decided their case accepted that they “face a risk which is quite real.” Alberto suffers from Ankylosing Spondylitis, a very painful condition that requires specific medications and treatment; if this disease is not treated correctly, Alberto could be completely immobile, affecting the whole family who depends on him. Alberto's doctor has told immigration that “it would not be ethical to remove him without a clear and verifiable plan for the continuity of his medical treatment.” In Mexico, basic insurance does not cover this medicine making the treatment out of reach. While on one hand, the government says they are concerned about a labour shortage, on the other hand, they are not allowing Alberto, a skilled carpenter, to work while they continue to pursue his deportation.

Letter Campaign by
Vancouver, Canada