Kevin Mullin sent $17 billion more of our money to Bomb Children in Gaza: Tell him NO MORE AID TO ISRAEL

Kevin Mullin is the CA-15 House of Representative for much of the San Francisco peninsula. He was reluctant to support any ceasefire plan for months, despite the pressure he's been receiving from his constituents across the district, until Biden promoted his own ceasefire proposal. Now Mullin has remained silent while Israel blatantly disregards that plan and the United States continues to send them weapons. Mullin has blood on his hands. In April, he signed off to give Israel $17 billion more of our tax money to kill the children of Gaza despite signing a letter urging the Biden administration to put conditions on any future weapons transfers or military aid to Israel, in response to the murder of 7 World Central Kitchen workers.

Aside from the obvious cruelty of this decision, Mullin has been ignoring his constituents who have been calling and emailing his office endlessly, rallying across his district including in front of his office every Friday for the past three months (which is ongoing!), and showing up at his fundraisers and even his home to make sure he understands the gravity of his decision to aid the genocide in Gaza. His hometown of South San Francisco, which he was former mayor of and currently resides in, even passed a resolution bringing light to this issue. The community has undeniably shown we are against genocide. We need to continue to pressure him in every way we can. At least 16,000 children have been killed and we cannot continue to wait as more are killed each day.

Demand he pledge to stop voting to send our tax money for death and destruction and address the inhumanity of his actions these past 9 months.  

Let him know we will not vote for him, donate to him or endorse him as long as he is willing to financially support these crimes against humanity on our dime.

Letter Campaign by
Russell Lee
South San Francisco, California