Kids Not Corporations: Demand More Funding For Education

Demand Education Funding

We have an opportunity now as the Governor and legislature are considering an overhaul of the Basic Education Formula (BEP) to make sure students have the resources they need to be successful.

While he hands out millions of dollars to corporations and sits on billions in reserves, the Governor’s education plan locks in underfunding for nearly every school. It diverts money from our public schools into corporate charter schools. And it picks winners and losers, forcing some counties to pay higher property taxes to close the funding gap.

Together, we can educate our communities and mobilize our friends and neighbors to send a clear signal to their legislators that the Governor’s plan locks in underfunding for schools, and they need to make our kids a priority, not corporations.

Now is the time to speak up and demand a high-quality education for every child and say clearly that we will not stand by and allow politicians to sabotage our kids' futures.

Send an email to your legislator today demanding a school funding plan that prioritizes kids, not corporations.

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