Support Kinship Families Across Ohio

Across our nation, countless kinship families--relatives and non-relatives, are doing everything to keep families together. These families are the unsung heroes, providing stability, love, and support in times of need. However, they often face immense challenges without adequate resources, putting their ability to stay together at risk.

As we strive to create an environment that empowers and supports these families, we need your help. We are reaching out to ask you to join us in advocating for critical changes that will provide kinship families with the resources they need to thrive.

We invite you to forward our prewritten letter of support for these essential policy changes. Your letter will amplify the voices of kinship families and demonstrate to our state leaders the urgency of addressing these needs.

We are specifically requesting the following changes to be made to policies that affect kinship families:

  1. Culturally Responsive Resources: Ensure that the resources provided meet the cultural needs of caregivers, recognizing the diversity of kinship families.

  2. Investment in Kinship Support Programs: Promote the creation and expansion of programs and policies that support both informal and formal caregivers in their efforts to keep children out of the formal foster care system.

  3. Education and Training for Caregivers: Develop and provide opportunities for caregivers to receive education and training to better support the children in their care.

  4. Removal of Income Eligibility Requirements for Child Care: Make child care more accessible by removing income eligibility requirements for caregivers.

  5. Increase in “Child Only” Ohio Works First Cash Assistance: Raise the amount of the “Child Only” Ohio Works First cash assistance payment, ensuring equal payments per child in the case.

  6. Affordable Housing Support: Provide adequate and affordable housing options for kinship families.

  7. Expansion of Legal Protections: Extend the Grandparent Power of Attorney and Caregiver Affidavit to all caregivers, ensuring they have the legal support they need.

  8. Financial Support for Kinship Care Programs: Develop a caregiver assistance program, similar to foster care and adoption assistance, that includes both formal and informal caregivers.

  9. Address Substance Abuse and Mental Health Needs: Ensure adequate investments are made to address the substance abuse and mental health needs of children, parents, and kin caregivers.

  10. Statewide Collaboration for Kinship Care: Direct state policymakers to foster collaborations between local, regional, and statewide groups to expand the use of kinship care and the availability of resources for all kinship families, including affordable recreational activities, support groups, and other vital services.

Please send your letters and we will ensure they reach the appropriate state officials.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition

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