Keep Letty, Andres, Isaias and Claudia Home

June 8 2023 Update: Six months after winning in Federal Court, Claudia, Lety, Andres and Isaias's applications for permanent residence still have no decisions. Please continue to write letters to the Minister and ask for a decision, so that the family does not have to fear deportation again.
December 12 2022 Update: Claudia, Lety, Andres and Isaias are relieved and elated to hear that the Federal Court has ordered the government to stay their deportation, which was scheduled for December 19th. We are thrilled to know that the family can now celebrate Christmas with their friends, family and community. We are so grateful for the immense solidarity shown by the community over the past six months; the letters and emails that continue to pour in are still so important in supporting the family's ongoing applications for permanent residence. The family would like to share their immense gratitude for Molly Joeck, their Lawyer at Edelmann & Co. Law Offices, Watari Counseling and Support Services, the Hospital Employees Union, Indigenous community members, pastors and churches, friends and community members for their continued support. La lucha sigue for Status for All, as we fight to ensure no other family has to go through the same stressful and terrifying situation. Join us as Sanctuary Health will be supporting the Committee for Caregivers and Domestic Workers Rights's rally for Status for All on Sunday December 18 at 9:30 am at 700 Hamilton St (outside the Canada Border Services Agency's office)
November 27 2022 Update: Over 1250 people have signed and sent Christmas Cards to Minister Fraser asking him to remember the Holiday spirit.
November 4 2022 Update: Claudia, Letty, Andres and Isaias are still waiting for a decision on their applications for permanent residence. Nonetheless, they recently learned that the CBSA has scheduled their deportation for December 19th. The family had planned to spend Christmas with friends and community; now they have to fear deportation to Mexico, where they’ve received death threats from organized crime. Now is more important than ever to write to Ministers Fraser and Mendicino demanding that their applications for permanent residence be decided before they are deported.
Since October 2020, Claudia has put her life on the line working as a housekeeper in the COVID ward at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Letty is a prolific volunteer including at the South Granville Seniors Centre, Carnegie Community Centre, Mission Possible, and Watari Counselling and Support Services Society’s food security program.
Andres and Isaias have both been working in construction and their employer supports their ongoing application for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Andres and Claudia’s nine year old daughter has spent her entire school life in Canada since she started kindergarten in 2018.
The government says that they are working on a regularization program, but by pursuing the family’s removal on December 19, 2022, they are undermining the goals of such a program.
The family arrived in Canada more than four years ago fleeing death threats from organized crime; however, the Immigration and Refugee Board rejected their claims and the family could be deported before their applications for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds gets processed.
Write to Minister Miller and Minister LeBlanc: tell them to stop the deportation, grant their applications for permanent residence, and implement a program to ensure Immigration Status for All!