Library Lovers: Write for Fair Pay and Respect

Do you love the Peoria Public Library and its amazing staff?

Do you want to help them get the fair pay and respect they deserve?

If so, you need to write a letter to the Library Administration and Board of Trustees as well as the Peoria City Council and Mayor. Here's why:

The library staff are the backbone of our community. They provide us with access to knowledge and education programming that enriches our lives and empowers us to pursue our dreams. They are passionate, dedicated and professional. But they are also struggling to make ends meet.

For over a decade, the library funding has remained stagnant, while the cost of living has increased. Many library staff earn poverty wages, despite having degrees and training. Many of them live paycheck to paycheck, worry about paying rent and rely on government assistance. This is unacceptable and unsustainable.

The library staff deserve better. They deserve living wages and job security that reflect their value and contribution to our city. That's why their union, AFSCME Local 3464, is negotiating with the Library to improve their working conditions and compensation.

But they need your support.

You can make a difference by writing a letter to the Library Administration and Board of Trustees as well as the Peoria City Council and Mayor. Tell them that you appreciate the library staff and their work. Tell them that you support the union's demands for fair pay and respect. Tell them that you want the library to remain a vital resource for our city.

You can use this template letter as a guide, but feel free to add your own personal stories and experiences with the library staff. The more letters they receive, the more pressure they will feel to do the right thing.

Don't delay, write your letter today! Together, we can show our gratitude and solidarity with the library staff who make our city a better place.

Thank you for your action!

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